Thursday, December 3, 2009

Blogging challenge - Day #3

Tiger Woods.

I'm kidding, why beat a dead horse with a sand wedge?

It's late, I'm tired, so this blog shall be short. And no I'm not going to cheat and just repost something I wrote two years ago on MySpace. But it's tempting.

And so...another recipe.

I did NONE of the cooking for the Womens Christmas Dinner at our church this year. Mike gets all the credit. But he did say I gave him the idea, which is somewhat true.

So heres my interpreation of what was served tonight. Been doing this for a few years, is food that will kill you.

Boudain Stuffed Pork Loin

you need:
1 pork loin, say 3 pounds, bout 12 or 15" long or as big or small as you want it.
1 stick of good boudain. If you don't know what it is, or if it's good or not, stop and go find a Cajun.
A big roasting pan or Dutch oven (big cast iron Dutch oven is my preferred weapon)
1 big onion sliced
1 carton mushrooms, cleaned and destemmed
seasonings as you see fit. I go with Creole seasoning, kosher salt, lot of garlic, whatever feels right at the time. Maybe some bay leaf.
You could also add a mirepoix or trinity instead of the shrooms. Anything that tastes good roasted with meat works.

Take the loin and cut a slit down the middle or butterfly the whole thing open. Season liberally inside and out as you see fit. Then insert the whole stick of boudain in the loin. If you want you could tie the whole thing up with twine at this point. Preheat an oven to 350.

Get the dutch oven hot on the stove, add a little oil, lay the loin down and allow to brown for a few minutes, turning to get color on all sides. Then add water to cover 1/3 to 1/2 of the loin. Add the onions, shrrom, mirepoix, etc, tucking all around the meat. Cover and throw in the hot oven for..1 to 2 hours. It's pork, cook it till it's done.

The shrooms and onions cook down nicely, the boudain falls aprt inside the loin.

It's just good.



Erica Wagner said...

Sounds yum!

I miss boudain. You just can't get quality boudain around here.

I found Zummo's at the Walmart here in G'town, but after having Robert's boudain in Orange, I realized Zummo's wasn't all that great afterall...

Dan said...

DJ's out of Port Arthur is pretty good, I know they sell it online, might look for it. Zummo's is rank and yes, Roberts makes the best boudain balls I have ever had.