Thursday, February 12, 2009

Because I'm pissed off

Take this for what it is. If it bothers you, then it should.

A friend of mine is in trouble. The full reasons and range of things is truly not known to me nor to most who think they know. Such is the nature of small towns in Texas, Tazmania, and Turkistan. Everyones an expert and knows the law because they watch a lot of CSI. Thus I say ignorance is universal.

As a rule, I don't have may friends. I can't stand most folks for more than 10 minutes at a time. If you have to wonder if you're in that group, then you are. I say this because someone I consider a friend I support. So long as no harm has been done to my family, my children, my well being, I will support them in times of trouble.

Some would look down on this attitude. Some would say guilty till proven innocent then still guilty cause we think so. To you I say back off and shut up. To you I say read your Bible, the one that you break out every Easter, Mothers Day and Christmas, the one with dust on it. Read Matthew 6:14-15 (did Dan just quote Scripture?!! SIGN OF THE END A COMING!!!!) Go look back at the things you've done, the stuipidity in your life and ask yourself, would you want it all drug out for public viewing?

If backing up a friend brings judgement, brings scorn on me, then I say fine. Get in line. Theres a lot ahead of you.


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